About Us

What is Movement Ecology?

Movement ecology is a branch of ecology that studies the ways, patterns, and influencing factors of biological movement in space and time. It focuses on the movement behavior of individuals or populations at different spatial and temporal scales, and the effects of such movement on individual survival, reproduction, population dynamics, and ecosystem functioning. Movement ecology typically involves research in the following aspects:
  1. Description and analysis of movement behavior: Studying the movement paths, speeds, directions, and other movement characteristics of different biological individuals or populations, and exploring the biological and environmental reasons behind them.
  2. Movement ecology models: Establishing mathematical models to describe biological movement behavior, including models based on mechanical reasons (such as diffusion models) and models based on behavioral decisions (such as mechanistic movement models, behavior-gene coevolution models, etc.).
  3. Effects of movement on individual survival and reproduction: Investigating the relationship between movement and ecological processes such as resource utilization, predation, predator avoidance, and intraspecific competition, revealing the adaptive significance of movement for individual survival and reproductive strategies.
  4. Population dynamics and ecosystem functioning: Exploring the effects of movement on population dynamics, population genetic structure, and ecosystem functioning (such as interspecific relationships, ecosystem stability).
  5. Environmental change and conservation: Studying the effects of environmental change on biological movement behavior, and how to maintain or improve the movement ecology of organisms through conservation measures.
Movement ecology is of great significance in biodiversity conservation, ecosystem management, and environmental protection. It helps people better understand and manage biological movement behavior and ecosystem functioning. It also serves as the scientific basis for the East Asian Bird Movement Ecology Big Data Platform.

Project Origin

The China Biodiversity Observation and Research Network (Sino BON) was initiated by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013. In 2014, Sino BON was officially accepted as a member network of the Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (AP BON) and the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON). It serves as an important platform for biodiversity research in China, aiming to promote coordinated cooperation in biodiversity monitoring and research, facilitate the sharing and open utilization of biodiversity data resources in China, and provide scientific support for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

The main tasks of the China Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Network include: establishing a biodiversity monitoring network in China and conducting comprehensive and systematic biodiversity monitoring; promoting data sharing and open access to biodiversity data by establishing a data sharing platform; conducting research and demonstration applications of biodiversity monitoring technologies and methods; carrying out biodiversity monitoring and assessment research to enhance the level of biodiversity research in China; strengthening international cooperation to align biodiversity monitoring and research in China with international standards.

The East Asian Bird Movement Ecology Big Data Platform is a data aggregation and sharing platform proposed and led by the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences. It is a phased achievement of the China Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Network - Avian Specialized Network, a technical practice of the important tasks of the China Biodiversity Monitoring and Research Network, and an experimental exploration of the Global Ecological Diversity Digital Initiative. The construction of the East Asian Bird Movement Ecology Big Data Platform involves multiple fields and levels, including biodiversity investigation and monitoring, data management and sharing, technological research and innovation, and policy research and advocacy. Through these efforts, the East Asian Bird Movement Ecology Big Data Platform aims to provide scientific support and decision-making references for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use in China and globally.

Mission and Vision

1. Establish and improve international biodiversity data standards, we will formulate principles that align with FAIR & TRUST (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable & Transparency, Responsibility, User focus, Sustainability and Technology), and adhere to the principles of SERVE (Sharable, Equal, Rigorous, Versatile, Evolving).

2. Coordinate and integrate international government, scientific research, and public resources. Citizens participate, scholars contribute, international cooperation, and governments regulate.

3. Establish standardized ecological environment data security processes.

4. Explore and practice the fate community of digital ecological environments.